This project took about 3-4 week to complete. I used Cinema 4D and After Effects as my main design tools. In the main video the first 5 scenes were built by Thomas Zhang and the video editing was done by Cory Gershon. My job was to build out 1:20 worth of animations for ribbons, the arena video board and ice projection incorporating city elements to match the video as well as building and compositing the sixth final CG scene of Madison Square Garden in said video. The projection portion at the bottom of the video will flip upside at times to allow people on different sides of the arena to view the projection right side up.
Some wireframes of what the animations would look like in-arena are below.
This project was a 5 day turnaround. The producers for KCD portions of Knicks games like to use simple design elements throughout so as not to detract from the main attraction, the dancers. For this project I focused on latin themed colors and patterns to drive the animation. The projection fades off around the 10 second mark to allow for the dancers to receive the spotlight on the court. Cinema 4D was used to build the 3D shape animations throughout and then composited in After Effects.
Wireframes can be seen below.
This project took approximately 5-7 days and used in between periods to pump up the crowds. Because of the short turn around I relied heavily on stock video that I manipulated in After Effects to take simple sparks, or snow elements and make them more intense and dynamic in an effort to heat up the crowd. The shield is incorporated as a device holder for video highlights the producers wanted to focus on during playout.